Nug #6: Cultivate Your Palate
Everyone has their ‘go-to’. Perhaps you’ve found that indica, sativa, or hybrid strains work best. Or you’ve tried a bunch of different cultivars and found a specific favorite. In the end, it’s the terpene profiles that inform the effects cannabis has on you (see MFNY Nug #1).

Everyone has their ‘go-to’
Perhaps you’ve found that indica, sativa, or hybrid strains work best. Or you’ve tried a bunch of different cultivars and found a specific favorite. In the end, it’s the terpene profiles that inform the effects cannabis has on you (see MFNY Nug #1). That's the magic of the blend of the five or six terpenes present in each cultivar, which can help with focus, energy, appetite, relaxation, relief, arousal, euphoria, and rest.
There’s also a big MF-ing reason to explore further; your body can get used to “the usual” terpene profile which can reduce the effects over time. You may even have heard about people taking a “tolerance break”: stopping consumption because it’s just not working like it used to.
But there is hope: to fully enjoy the many wonderful effects of cannabis, it's beneficial to explore different cultivars and terpene profiles to discover new favorites (just like exploring different wines). This way, your endocannabinoid system can experience the myriad benefits available to it.
You can also shake things up by trying different consumption methods (flower, gummy, vape) for the very same reason: your endocannabinoid system will respond to, and process them, differently.
As they say, “If you love somebody, set them free.” Set your usual choice free for a while, and try out some different partners to maximize your enjoyment.